Stand out in the

virtual meeting space

Whatever the conversation…

the way you show up can make all the difference

You’re on camera!

The virtual meeting is set to be today’s norm.

It’s not only about what you have to say…

The look, the sound, the setting are all part of the conversation 

The focus is on you


Invest in your virtual presence

Today’s corporate space has expanded way beyond the office and places of business. We are now reaching out real time on social media and digital platforms. We reach audiences who are tuning in from the comfort of their homes, coffee-shops, and even open-air spaces.

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We will equip you to:

  • Have a more professional virtual presence that strengthens your corporate brand;

  • Enhance your leadership capabilities;

  • Deliver engaging corporate meetings, presentations, townhalls etc.;

  • Make conference style presentations that excite and motivate;

  • Create powerful and memorable stakeholder messages.

Virtual Training for the Virtual Space

Access Communication Training from wherever in the world you are.

Have a chat with us to see if this Virtual Presence Training right for you

Need more Effective Communication Training?

…at every level

The Communicating for Influence©

Leadership Communications Workshop Series 

The Communicating for Influence (CFI) Leadership Workshop Series is intended for senior and mid-level leaders and is delivered by a group of facilitators who have extensive private and public sector experience, both locally and internationally.

The CFI© training modules are designed to help organizational leaders and professionals develop confidence and ease in public speaking, managing difficult conversations and be effective in presentation scenarios.

Communicating for Influence©

Leadership Communications Workshop Series


Communicating for Personal Impact

Communicating in Crisis

Communicating with Media

Communication & Presentations (Short Course) 

The Virtual Presenters Clinic - NEW


Communicate with intent, power and purpose

In house training options avaliable

Stand out as a powerful communicator

Let us have a chat to see this is right for you